Slice Intelligence Provides Proof of ‘Pokemon Go’s’ Power

“Pokemon Go” is a bona fide cultural phenomenon. On July 11, just five days after its initial release in North America, Australia and New Zealand, it surpassed Twitter in terms of daily active users on the Android platform. On the same day, the average iPhone user spent more time in “Pokemon Go” than they did in any other app, including Facebook. So we all knew something special was happening. But new research from Slice Intelligence suggests that “Pokemon Go” is even bigger than anyone imagined.
Just how big, you ask? How about half-of-all-mobile-gaming-revenue-big? Data captured by Slice suggests that on July 10 in-app purchases from “Pokemon Go” accounted for nearly 47% of all mobile gaming revenue. Let that settle in for a moment: One game drove almost as much revenue as all other mobile games combined. One game!

What makes this data even more remarkable is that the game was only available in three markets at the time, and was nowhere near peak Poke-hysteria. When the augmented reality (AR) game finally debuted in its home market of Japan on July 22, it was reportedly downloaded 10 million times within the first day.
“Pokemon Go” has been a boon for its developer Niantec, as well as Nintendo, which owns a 33% stake in the Pokemon franchise. At one point, Nintendo saw its market value double compared to pre-release levels. Such success is fueling a renewed interest in all-things-AR, such as beauty simulation AR apps and Rakuten’s own furniture-fitting app.
Slice Intelligence is a Rakuten Group company based in San Mateo, California. With a panel of over 4 million online shoppers, it provides the most detailed and accurate digital commerce data available. For more details on this study and other great insights, visit Slice Intelligence here.