How can telcos, tech firms and everything in between achieve “Intelligent Growth” in their respective markets? What tool…
While AI continues to transform the tech industry at unprecedented speed, companies are increasingly facing obstacles ar…
In this series, we sit down with Rakuten AI leaders for a deep dive into the stories behind this transformative technolo…
2024 was truly a transformative year in Rakuten’s AI growth journey, marked by groundbreaking advancements across our ec…
Mickey Mikitani, Chairman and CEO, Rakuten Group As we step boldly into another new year, I find myself energized by the…
Cristina Constandache, Chief Revenue Officer at Rakuten Viber Today’s customers want fast, one-click solutions when shop…
By Hiroshi Takeshita, Vice CTO of Rakuten Mobile When Rakuten Mobile launched its mobile phone carrier services in April…
In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, separating hype from practical business value remains a crucia…
In this series, we sit down with Rakuten AI leaders for a deep dive into the stories behind this transformative technolo…