Driving innovation in the medical world: Tackling Cancer

For many people, Rakuten is first and foremost an internet services company. In reality, however, Rakuten is much more than that – we also invest in and support the growth and expansion of startups that provide innovative new services and technologies.
I myself have invested in numerous technologies and services that I believe have the capability to change the world. One of those investments is Aspyrian Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical stage pharmaceutical startup located in California. It’s a company that has the potential to put an end to the human race’s battle against cancer with the new treatments it has in development, and I am supporting the company financially as its top shareholder as well as playing a managerial role as its chairman and executive director. Rakuten, too, will back up the company as it develops the business side of the venture.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Hisataka Kobayashi, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) senior investigator who developed this new treatment method. Please allow me to share our conversation to give some insight into Dr Kobayashi’s work and how I was inspired to get involved.
Click through for the conversation between Mickey and Dr. Kobayashi.
I admire Mr.Mikitani Hiroshi’s big heart investing into cancer research programs.I hope and pray that more and more people like him with money think about helping this world’s cancer victims.