How do you feel about regifting?

Happy Thanksgiving (and football day) to our friends and family in the US of A! We hope the day is filled with food, laughter and joy and that you have the fortitude to push thoughts of shopping to the back of mind, at least a little while longer. The spectre of Black Friday seems to loom larger with each passing year, but before you rush to the shops (or computer), you might want to make the closet the first stop on your list.

We did some research and it would seem that an increasing number of Asian shoppers are doing just that. We are referring to regifting, of course. Our polling of consumers in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan revealed that 38% of gifts that are, shall we say, less-than-enthusiastically received, are regifted, while 33% are essentially set aside and forgotten, donated to charity (24%) or being sold off (13%). This means that 66% of these gifts make it back into circulation, in one way or the other, so don’t be surprised if that bacon-pattern necktie you bought your uncle Steve last year finds its way back to you someday.

Our research went quite a bit deeper into consumer spending habits around Christmas in Southeast Asia so if you are interested in learning more please see the related news release, “Christmas Online Shopping Set to Rise in Asia.

So, how do you feel about regifting? Wine is a classic regifting candidate, but let us know what you have regifted.



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