My Rakuten Experience: Moricky

Moricky is a Producer in the RMSx Section of the EC Marketplace Development Department

Current Role

I develop systems for product registration and sales used by sellers on Rakuten Ichiba. As a producer I ask sellers for their requests, find issues in our products and consider solutions. I also collaborate with staff from a variety of divisions including engineers, designers and customer support staff to lead our products through to release. Also, I am in charge of user research, which I perform using prototypes. At the moment I’m participating in a project to create a platform that will be deployed globally, so I’m advancing my work while holding discussions with staff with a variety of nationalities and career backgrounds. Seeing how pleased our sellers are when we release new services really motivates me to try my hardest.


Current Environment

We have employees with a variety of nationalities and backgrounds in our department, so our day-to-day discussions are very stimulating. My daily work involves coming up with ideas for products that have global value by considering opinions of diverse cultures. At the moment, I’m taking English conversation lessons to ensure that I can convey my opinions accurately in English. Besides studying English, I’m also participating in study groups related to product management and UX. If I come to learn about excellent initiatives at other companies, I would apply them to our services, thereby increasing the value of our products. In addition, if I run across any interesting topics related to EC, technology or markets, I share them with our team for us to discuss.

Moricky works in a team with members from a variety of backgrounds, making day-to-day discussions very stimulating.
Moricky works in a team with members from a variety of backgrounds, making day-to-day discussions very stimulating.

Skill Improvements

One of my skills that has improved most through working as a producer is my ability to involve everyone around me. Previously, I worked as the main producer of a project involving 10 groups with more than 50 staff members, and I was in charge of compiling specifications and quality control, as well as project progression. It was very hard to get everyone moving in the same direction, which resulted in various issues such as delays in projects and variations in quality. Even so, I followed up with everyone tenaciously, continuously discussing issues and negotiating to strengthen our frameworks, which led our projects to be released without issues. As it was a function that received a lot of requests from sellers, my efforts were recognized, and I was awarded with the monthly MVP prize through Rakuten group’s reward system. It was an experience that provided me with a lot of confidence and reminded me of how important it is to have the ability to involve those around me, and the ability to communicate effectively.

Careers at Rakuten

In the near future, I want to work at one of our overseas offices and gain experience in product management for services targeting local users. Previously, when I used the programs Rakuten allowed me to work for one of our group companies in Paris. I found it very valuable because of the differences in cultures, values, business customs and popular services between the two countries. Some day, I want to make use of the experience I’ve gained in Japan and engage in work in a different cultural environment to provide valuable services to our customers. In the more distant future, I aim to become a person who is capable of further deepening her understanding of our users, market place and different cultures, specifying the ideal state of our products, and setting roadmaps.

Rakuten offers valuable programs that allow employees to work abroad and experience working in differing cultural environments.
Rakuten offers valuable programs that allow employees to work abroad and experience working in differing cultural environments.

What do you like about Rakuten’s working environment and its systems?

I love our company cafeteria. Basically, we can eat lunch for free. Also, we can have opportunities to speak casually with our colleagues, managers and other people involved in our projects.

Do you participate in any Rakuten club activities?

Actually I’m a member of the board game club. Once a week we bring our board games to play and have two stayover events per year where we compete with one another.

What do you do in your time off?

I do indoor activities like working on my penmanship or participating in cooking classes, but I also like outdoor activities like camping, travelling, or going to live concerts.
* The affiliation & contents of this article are based on the contents at the time of the interview. 

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