Apple Watch buyers becoming younger, more diverse: Slice Intelligence

One of the biggest announcements coming out of this month’s Apple event is the release of the new Apple Watch, dubbed the Series 2. Even bigger news: Slice Intelligence found that nearly one third of shoppers pre-ordering the Apple Watch Series 2 online during the first four days of availability had previously purchased the original Apple Watch.
Millennials outpace GenX preorders
The Series 2 buyers skew younger than those of the first Watch as Millennials bought more Apple Watch 2s than any other age group, with GenerationX coming close behind. Conversely, during the first Apple Watch’s launch, GenerationX made the majority of pre-orders with 37 percent of all Watch purchases.
More women are buying the new Apple Watch
The majority of Series 2 pre-orders are being made by men. Among those who pre-ordered the product during the first four days of availability, about three-fourths were men. While this male skew is large, women are proportionally pre-ordering more Watches now than they did during the original launch.
New tech, same tastes
Case preferences of the newest Apple Watch mirror the buying tastes of the original. As with the premiere of the first Apple Watch, the vast majority of consumers have elected to buy the larger 42 mm case, with 67 percent selecting the bigger format, which aligns with the heavily male buyer base.
Similarly, the aluminum case is by far the most preferred, with 82 percent of these early buyers choosing this option.
Black is once again the most popular color for both Sport and Woven Nylon Bands. Over half of all Sport Bands, and 46 percent of Woven Nylon bands, were black. Here’s how the other colors break down.
About this data
With a panel of over 4 million online shoppers, Slice Intelligence gives the most detailed, and accurate digital commerce data available, and is reported daily.
Slice Intelligence is the only service to measure digital commerce directly from the consumer, across all retailers, at the item level, and over time. Our retailer-independent methodology precisely measures commerce as it happens. By extracting detailed information from hundreds of millions of aggregated and anonymized e-receipts, Slice can map the entire Purchase Graph, connecting each and every consumer to all their purchases.
Slice gets its data from e-receipts – not a browser, app or software installed by the end-user – so its measurement reflects comprehensive shopping behavior across multiple devices, over time which are key in an increasingly omnichannel retail world. Slice Intelligence is the exclusive e-commerce data provider for the NPD’s Checkout Tracking e-commerce service.
This post was first published in the Slice Intelligence blog. Slice is an independent, wholly-owned subsidiary of Rakuten.